Saturday, January 19, 2013

God's School

   I'm back...Though hesitant to write this blog, it kept coming back to me.  So here we go. 

     I sometimes, if not a lot of the time, grow unhappy with the press.  Having a degree in Journalism, they tend to get under my skin on a regular basis.  So, I am not trying to dredge up something terrible.  I think some things need to be pointed out, however.
     It has been over a month since the tragedy of Newtown occurred.  People are up in arms about many different issues.  I'd like to look at what is really important, in my opinion anyway.
     Security differs in every school.  Some have none.  Some teachers have to plug in a code to simply enter their room.  Why not  pass some consistent laws concerning our children's safety at school?  Instead, gun laws are in the forefront. of the worst tragedies in our nation killed thousands of innocent people.  Sadly, children were victims on this day too.  And the people responsible took them down with box cutters and planes.  No guns.
     What if there were federal mandates arming teachers with tazors?  What if two armed guards were required by law at every entrance of every school?  What if every window in every school was legally required to be bullet proof? 
     What if all insurance was regulated to include the same coverage for mental illness as any physical ailment?  And what if, folks were honest with themselves about a loved ones' diagnosis and acted responsibly with the firearms in their home?
     Many people have brought up this subject.  If prayer was still allowed in our public schools, this never would have happened, or something to that affect.  Let's consider this one for a minute. 
     If God is who He says He is, then he is always with us, He knows every thing that will happen to us, and He is all powerful.  So, a law prohibiting prayer in public schools will keep Him out of said school.  This is one of the most ludicrous things I have ever heard in my life. 
     He's God, folks.  And He's in charge.  Believe me, He goes wherever He wants.  And He wants to be with all of us.  We're His children and He loves us.  We may have trouble accepting this because we don't think we deserve that love.  But we aren't God and we don't understand  He loves us regardless.  I wish people would believe that.
     Of course, then comes the age old question.  If God loves us, why would He let those innocent adults and children die in Newtown?  Where was He? 
     As my mother-in-law says, God is in control.  Where do you think He was that day in Newtown?  He was right there taking His sweet children, no matter their age, home with Him.  It was only time for 26 of them to go, though.  He led the rest of His precious kids out of the building safely. 
     Things could have been a lot worse that day.  And we will never know how many mentally ill folks are dissuaded by God every day to curtail their violent actions.  We don't know.  We aren't God. 
     Gun control, mental illness and even school security aside, God really is in control.  Its acceptable to exhale now.