Friday, March 26, 2010

Well, I am now contemplating a very new area of my life. I think it's called "Maturity". I realize it is past time for me to talk over my worries with my mom and start being a part of her support system. I never understood how many things she has on her plate until recently. I think that is called "Immaturity". And let's not forget "Selfishness". "Inconsiderate"...Yikes, I could go on and on. Could I really have been that self-absorbed? Yes, I could.
So, tho I don't find myself in the position alot of us do, where we switch roles as parent and child, I do find myself in the role as friend. Can I be that non-judgemental friend my mother really needs? Not quick to give advice but to just listen? Well, Phillipians tells us "with God all things are possibe" so with a little maturity and a lot of help from the good Lord, maybe I just can.


  1. I feel the same way. We are in a position (at our where life is all-encompassing and overwhelming. At times, we forget that others still have their struggles and sometimes just need a non-judgmental, listening ear. Most of the time that can only come from family members. And what I forget the most is the amount of wisdom my mom is able to give, since she's been in my shoes. She gives me a new perspective on things, and also gives me insight into what to expect in MY next 30 years.

  2. Whether it is a parent or a child, just listening is usually what is wanted the most. My 11 yr old daughter taught me that. When I kept interjecting my words of wisdom everyday she came home with a crisis, she finally said "mom, I don't want you to tell me what to do or anything...I just need you to listen to me." Since then, I just listen. She is a good kid. She knows how to handle her own situation and does not need mom to fight her battles for her. She just needs to vent. I think that's what most of us want from friends and family. Just to let us vent and then figure out on our own what to do.
