Isn't it interesting to have your child's friends stay over? I mean, a "sleep over". Remember when it was called a "slumber party" but no one slumbered?
What I've noticed is rules tend to fly out the window. Unless, one gets lucky and the child listens. More often then not though, out the window rules go. One child we recently had over not only didn't listen she/he didn't drink. Only ate a bare minimum. I was beginning to worry. I don't even know if this child used our bathroom. Great. Now I have that to vex me. I realize when at someone else's house it's hard to concentrate on eating. Kids are too excited to play with different stuff and spend time with their friends. But, do they never get hungry? Maybe they're just sneaking food when we aren't looking. Or when we are finally unconscious in our beds.
We want kids to have fun as guests in our homes. It's even nice to be known as the "Fun Mom or Dad". But when does a parent put down their foot? The obvious of course is bodily harm. Bullying is probably number two. Slamming of doors should be number three but may not make the cut every time. Usually I have found if I stand firm in our rules-shutting aforementioned window before havoc strikes-things go much smoother. Not always easier, but smoother. I also pick my battles and try to refrain from being "Frau Bethany".
Another interesting item I have learned is to have an extra activity on hand. This works well in case the familiar mantra of "What do you want to do? I don't know. What do you want to do?" surfaces. Sometimes just making a guest aware of the choices of activities is a good idea. Or asking the guest in question what they like to do. I usually go the craft route. "Do you like to paint?" Is a good opener. "Would you rather make something with clay/play doh" is helpful too.
I wonder if God ever feels this way? As a guest who is always welcome in our home does He witness His rules flying out the window? Does He worry about being "Fun Dad?" What does He feel if He hears from us "I dunno what I want to do today" when He has so clearly given us that answer but we don't listen?
He gently reminds us what it is we are looking for. And that would be Him. No yelling, no excuses. Just a reminder. His rules, His plans. Not always fun but always right. Keeping us safe and loving us no matter what we don't eat or try to fly over.
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I love this one Bethanny! I especially love how you tie it in to our relationship with God, and how we follow His rules. It really made me stop and think. Thank you for sharing that wisdom with me!