Sunday, August 15, 2010

God's Back to School Promise

Well, we did it. We registered my middle child for middle school. Remember all the turmoil I was in? You know, there's a reason God is God and a reason why He tells us not to worry. I wish I could remember that better sometimes!
The only glitch in the whole process was that the lockers were out of whack. Something with the computers. Of course, that's what all the new kids worry about the most. The dreaded locker combination. Will it work? Will it not work? Will I be late for class? Will I need to make a will if I am indeed late? I prayed silently for my daughter that despite all that she'd do okay with her locker combination on the first day. We'd been practicing with an old lock of ours. Then, the lady-wait angel-who had been working on the locks to reprogram them came up behind us and offered to fix my child's lock while we were there. "That way he/she can practice." I could've kissed her halo! I should have taken her out to lunch!
This was a true God thing. Never doubt that God not only hears our prayers but He understands our worries. Especially our parental ones. He's a parent too. He's the most giving and unselfish parent ever known to us. And He's our parent. The perfect Father.