Thursday, June 16, 2011

God's Loaves and Fishes

One of my favorite miracles Jesus performed was the feeding of the five thousand. Even when I was little, I thought it would be cool to eat lunch with Jesus. And I wanted to see those fishes and loaves keep on a-comin' from the baskets at His command. I wanted to run and play with the kids from Biblical times-well, you get the idea. The bottom line was that God takes care of us and gives us abundantly when it appears it just isn't in the cards. The reality of the situation can overpower our human thinking. We tend to forget that even now, God is the God of miracles.
We have all sighed in defeat at having one of those days. But when a day turns into a week, month and unfortunately at times a year or longer, we can really feel beaten down. Maybe we compare ourselves to the big fish at work. We feel like a guppy next to them. Among our friends we many feel like a pebble as their lives become "boulder". Sometimes, the hurt lies among family members. We feel like a crumb being swept away.
Here's the truth of those times. God has a plan for us. His plan for me is different than His plan for you. Comparing ourselves to others is really a waste of time. Our accomplishments may seem guppy-sized but by going about our tasks with a whale-sized heart we shine in our own light. And there is something to be said for a "boulder" sized life. It can roll down hill with no power to stop.
As for the crumbs or crummy way we may feel, it is a lie. We are not crumbs; we are loaves. Some us are made like wheat-we may bend in the wind but we spring right back up. Some of us are a nutty/fruity type of bread. Sweet but standing strong when needed. You might feel you'd be more of the plain white loaf variety. Maybe you feel because of this, folks have nibbled away at you because you aren't as snazzy as other types of bread. Not so. Because as ridiculous as you may find comparing yourself to a type of of bread may be remember this; God is the baker. He has made you to be just who you were supposed to be. God is also the yeast. With Him standing firm beside us-and He always does-we can rise higher than the rooftop in strength. Because He is our strength.
Don't be afraid to stand firm for whatever or whoever it is you are fighting or fighting for. God is right there fighting with you. Rising you up to heights of strength you never thought possible.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

God's VBS

It's Vacation Bible School-yes I'm captalizing it-for many of us. I have great memories of Bible School! And so whether I am teaching, crafting or whatever, I want the little ones entrusted to my care to have fun like I did back in the day.
This year, I am helping out in crafts. A friend of mine is in charge. God bless her straight to Heaven. I don't think I could count out all the items needed for one day of crafts, let alone five. Yesterday we painted. Yeah...'nuff said there. Today, we made tamborines out of paper plates. Hole punched rims served as perilous tunnels to which ribbons were fed through. Little jingle bells were attached to make joyous music unto the Lord and decorate everything up right.
Though some of the boys wanted "manly" colors of ribbon and some girls wanted "brighter" colors, they all turned out beautifully. Stringing the ribbons through the bells and even the holes of the plates was daunting for some of us (and yes, that includes this craft helper.)
One little girl had many questions which I happily obliged to answer. When I was across the table helping someone else and her teacher approached to offer assistance, she waved her off. "I want her," she said pointing to me. I now have a new bff. Honestly, it warmed my heart since my children not only are embarrassed to be seen with me in public but treat me as though I have the plague at home too.
I marveled at the three year olds. I forgot how little these special ones are. I noticed one child's small hand smudged with paint. The tiny browness of it made me want to cuddle her close. Then again, since I'm the reincarnation of Typhoid Mary I refrained. Don't want to give the cheese touch to anyone else.
As I run here and there for crafts I ponder how God would run VBS. It would be run perfectly I know. That's a given. But I think it would be full of special moments. Loads of hugs, laughter and a deeper understanding of who our awesome God really is. And, this realization doesn't include only the children. We adults are reminded of Him too and all He sacrificed for us. I look around at our VBS and know we are pretty darn close to having accomplished all God would want us to achieve! Thanks to everyone everywhere who is doing the same this summer for God and His children-no matter what the age!