Friday, September 24, 2010

God's Schedule

Not too long ago I wrote about God's timing. I had realized we all need to give up out time to God. Let him fill in the day for us. It's amazing how things will fall into place. I'm learning-because I guess I'm just slow or something-it's the same with my schedule.
I try very hard to not over schedule. I hate when we run all day long. Or night for that matter. I love when I've figured out a schedule for the day and then I remember there's one more thing to do! That's when I really feel myself begin to simmer.
Let's face it, sometimes there are just things that have to be done. Like dental appointments. Or grocery shopping. Or laundry. Or forms that need to be filled out and signed. Or my new favorite, "Mom, my belt broke in two or three and I need a new one." Okay, yeah, I'll get right on that honey. Since I have nothing else to do.
So, like I've slowly learned about timing, I asked God for a little help. Actually, a lot of help. In his infinite wisdom, He guided me to make a general schedule. What days things really need to get done and what days are entirely nonnegotiable. It has really helped. I'm finding more pockets of time to write. This is a job. I often think if I was going to the office and had a boss what would happen? I see now God is my boss and I am responsible to Him. He gave me this talent and I need to schedule accordingly. He gave me a helpful husband and kids who don't whine too much about pitching in. I'm very grateful for that. Plus, His benefits package is pretty awesome!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Our Best Friend

I just heard an awesome speaker talk about friends. Today I read a post about friendship on Facebook and I quote, "A good friend will listen when you are angry. Your best friend will walk beside you swinging a baseball bat and sing along with you, 'Someone's gonna get it' ". Though it may sound cruel, I laughed out loud.
The speaker I mentioned talked about how Jesus should always be our best friend. If He indeed is, everyone can see that and your friendship with Him rubs off on your other friends. Wow. I had never thought of that. How very true.
I like to think of Jesus as my best friend but sometimes I feel the need to give Him advice after I pray. Because, you see, He really needs my help. Yeah, I'm serious. I actually give Him advice. What a riot. Even funnier, He never takes it. Likes to do things His way. Makes sense; it is the best way.
We all try to fix things and give advice to our friends. What if we just said to them, "I'll pray for you"? That could be the beginning of them seeing Jesus in us. Now there's an awesome friend.
There are alot of folks whom we can't force religion and Jesus down their throats. We don't think we're doing it, but we may in fact be doing that very thing. I think letting them know we're praying for them is a good first step to letting them know we're Christians. Who doesn't feel a tad bit special knowing someone prayed for them?
Friendship and Jesus go hand in hand. He wants to be our friend and our Heavenly Father. Who can beat that? So let's share that with our friends and be the model of love and friendship Jesus has shown us to be.