Saturday, September 18, 2010

God's Time

Time, time time! Do we ever have enough of it? Of course we don't. I try so hard to be organized but it still seems I am racing to keep up and get everything accomplished. There is always one more thing to do! And, time for myself is nonexistent. Dating my husband? Once a month maybe. I work really hard to factor in family time. It doesn't help either that I am a perfectionist. Because then I have guilt about what there wasn't time for!
Another time that has gone by the wayside is friend time. My friends are as busy as me so when do we find time to spend that nonexistent time together? A lunch here and there but many get cancelled not too long after they are scheduled.
God time doesn't happen every day either. I try to pray and read my Bible but sometimes it just doesn't get done. Then, one day, I was so upset about not getting everything done I cried out to God. He didn't say a lot in return but he did give me instant peace. I found so many pockets of time that day to get things accomplished I was shocked. And, I found time for myself!
The Bible tells us God views time differently than we do. A thousand years are a minute to Him and vice versa. His wisdom in all things blows my mind. Then a thought occurred to me. Maybe we don't spend our time as wisely as we should. Taking the time to pray first and then following God's directives for our time is time wisely spent.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Blessed Ones

As we mark the ninth anniversary of September 11th, I think all of us pause to remember. So many different memories. I was taking kids to school and headed to my Bible study. I didn't believe the secretary I overheard telling another parent what happened. I turned on the radio in my van and of course it was all over the news. I didn't know what to do or where to go. I pulled in at the cleaners and sat there listening to the report more than stunned. Should I take the kids home? Were we really under attack? Did I call my husband and demand he come home too?
By this time another plane had hit the other tower. I don't remember the drive to church. A friend of mine was getting out of her car and she said to me, "One of the towers just fell. My dad and stepmom work a few blocks from there." I wasn't stunned anymore. I went to her immediately. "Have you spoken to them? Are they okay?" "Yes, I finally got through." I then told her the towers couldn't fall. No way.
During Bible study we of course prayed. Many of the girls said they worried what we'd do in retaliation. I picked up my three year old from preschool. After naptime was accomplished I finally turned on the television. There were no words to describe that day. Horrible doesn't even come close. Nothing does.
People ask how could God let this happen? Where was He? The devil had his day was another comment I heard. I don't agree. The devil never has his day. Every day is God's. Every day is a gift from Him. He would never let the devil have that much power. The devil's day was defeated when Christ died and rose from the dead. However, sin and the devil did unfortunately guide the terrorists' decisions.
Where was He? The God I know was right there with the victims. He held the hands of every person on those planes. He gave some the courage to fight back. Some He gave the iniative to call their loved ones. He held the people close to Him caught in those towers. He made sure when the plane hit the Pentagon it was in an area under repair where less people would be working. He also made sure when the plane hit the ground in Pennsylvania that no one else was near that field. And, He was right there carrying all those folks to their Heavenly home when it was time. A perfect home with Him.
We talk about the lucky ones who missed work that day or changed a flight. Two of my cousins were suppose to be on the flight leaving Boston. They changed their travel plans to spend a bit more time with the friends they were visiting. Another cousin works across from the Pentagon and sometimes she and her husband have meetings there. They didn't that day though. A girl I know from college worked in one of the towers. She was about to get on the elevator when the first plane hit. A man off the street ran in, told them what had happened and not to get on. The story she relates of that day was beyond haunting.
I ponder on this. The "lucky ones" survived. The blessed ones are in Heaven with God happier than we can imagine. One day we will all share in that blessing.