Wednesday, November 23, 2011

God's Thanksgiving

Well, here it is Thanksgiving Eve! The turkey is done and thanks to my oldest who so graciously volunteered, the pumpkin pie is too. My wonderful husband made homemade rolls. (Yeah, I really love my mom-in-law.) And I have the pecan pie thawing. Yes, thawing. I'm not Wonder Woman.
Tomorrow we will watch the parades just the five of us. I like making Thanksgiving dinner for my immediates. We'll eat and laugh. And then, God help us, we'll watch football. And, I will survive.
Tonight we went to church. Our pastor talked about having an "attitude of gratitude". The point that really hit home for me was when he spoke of people who were afflicted but were grateful all the same. And the folks who had very little but gave generously. Like the widow in the Bible who had nothing but gave her last coin to the church. Jesus told the disciples, "Did you see what she did? She gave more than anyone else because she gave out of her poverty, giving all that she had to live on." I'm paraphasing here but that's the gist of it.
What if we focused on giving thanks instead of how good the turkey tasted? What if we gave back out of our gratitude to God instead of worrying to removing the plastic bag that houses the nasty turkey innards?
We have a lot to give thanks for! I know two families who lost their loved ones this week. They're still sitting down to dinner and giving thanks. The Bible tells us to give thanks in everything. What if we did that? Or, at least tried?
That's a lot of "what ifs" I know, but what if Jesus hadn't loved us? What if God hadn't sent His Son to take on our sins? We'd have absolutely nothing to be thankful for.
So, give thanks tomorrow and every day after no matter what happens or how hard it is. Seem impossible? Ask for a little help from above by the Guy who told us all things are possible with Him!