Friday, April 16, 2010

Stay-at-Home Moms

When my husband and I decided I'd stay at home, I was relieved. I had never felt I'd aspired to my true calling professionally. In fact, the professional world seemed daunting. I knew I liked kids. So teaching seemed like a good idea. Then, I became interested in Speech Pathology. I learned I could be a "speech teacher" in the schools therefore still working with children. But a couple of hip replacements later, I decided I'd take my Journalism degree and run. I lacked confidence and computers seriously freaked me out. And what I really wanted to be was a Mom. I wanted to be a good Mom, raise my kids well and spend time with them.

I enjoyed my time at home. Only one person ever made me feel odd about staying home. Everyone else was supportive. I knew I had made the right decision for myself and my family. Now though, in the past eight months, I have had three people make comments to me. Maybe its because all of my kids are in school. I don't know; but they have made me feel guilty. With the economy the way it is maybe I should be working outside of the home. Many of my friends have gone back to work or school. I don't know about any other stay at home moms whose kids are all in school but I run all day. And, whether you have little ones still at home or not, you and I know we never stay home. I read on a billboard for a car ad, "Who was the idiot who coined the phrase, "Stay-at-home mom?" I remember laughing out loud in agreement.

I have prayed about what I should do. I feel like God is telling me to write. I'm enjoying it and learning alot of information thanks to many sources and my wonderful writing friend Amy! This is no instant paycheck but I feel good about it. I have my insecurities and get overwhelmed with all the information out there but I have to start somewhere!

To all you moms out there who work outside the home-you are doing great! Hang in there because I don't know how you do it! To all you stay at home moms who never stay at home-you are doing great too! I don't know how we all do it some days. Hanging on to the One who never lets go is a blessed way to start!

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