Friday, November 5, 2010

God's Chicken Noodle Soup

Has anyone ever noticed that when mom is sick things don't stop? I mean we may be able to catch a cat nap but lying in the bed all day is usually out. Unless the Angel of Death is hovering visibly in the corner of the room where the rest of the family can see him/her, you're still on duty. Interesting because when anyone else in the family is sick, mom's schedule becomes null and void. She becomes nurse mom able to leap to get the vomit bucket in a single bound and get everything else done too. She looks good in her red tights though the cape can become a hazard. Bullet deflecting bracelets like Wonder Woman's aren't really practical unless you want them covered in mucus or vomit or something even worse.
I have some viral thing at the moment. I've learned that though my kids love me and my husband really is a great help, I'm pretty much on my own. I have been napping in the afternoon. I've learned that I have to take care of myself. When my husband gets home he'll help where he can as will my kids. I do appreciate that. Some women don't even get that. It's sad to me what some spouses expect from their wives. No understanding follows. So really, I'm blessed. When I had surgery a few years ago my husband took off. And today he brought me flowers. Yes, I am blessed.
I guess my message is to take care of yourselves when you are sick. Don't feel guilty about frozen pizza for supper or piles of unwashed laundry. Unfortunately that laundry isn't going anywhere. And as for the lack of sympathy, know God is there beside you. Pray for yourself and your family. Sometimes I think it scares them when we are sick. Supermom is down for the count? Unfathomable! Who will make my lunch and iron my shirt and bring my forgotten library book to school? Remember the battle is not ours; it is the Lord's. And His chicken noodle soup is the sweetest you've ever tasted.

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