Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Patience of God

The Christmas season is upon us. How many times have we heard this in the past week? Or month? Why does Christmas start so early? People say we are greedy. Just look at Black Friday! This could be greed. It certainly smells like it. But, could it also be, (unintentionally of course because why would the retailers do anything considerate or positive?), a way to help people in a financial crunch spread their money out over a few months? Then December is not a time of scraping by and bouncing checkbooks? I'm throwing it out there; do with it what you'd like.
Our pastor is talking about advent. Advent means waiting and preparing for the Christ child. It does not mean waiting in absurdly long lines because you ventured into your favorite (and cheapest) store to buy the bath soap you forgot while making your weekly haul of groceries. Seriously, that's not the point.
If we give retailers the benefit of the doubt and a tired cashier a friendly smile even though we had to wait, isn't that more the point? Being patient with an employee who was hired for the Christmas season and hasn't quite mastered the computer may be hard but their appreciative smile is worth it. Believe me, I've been there.
We wait on the Christ child, don't we? Our children can hardly wait. And, let's face it, as adults there is some satisfaction of ripping open the paper and finding what you really wanted for Christmas!
I think about how God waits on us. We forget Him alot and try to handle things on our own. But there He is, patiently waiting for us to listen to Him so we can learn to open up who He truly meant for us to be. A beautiful gift to others and to Him. Reflecting God's goodness and mercy. Loving unconditionally and forgiving easily. Showing His patience to our children, spouse and others. Giving of ourselves as Jesus gave Himself for us. He really is the best gift of all.

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