Thursday, February 24, 2011

God's Spring

Seriously, is there really more snow coming? When I went to bed the weatherman said maybe two to four inches. Did you miss the "maybe" in that sentence? Because I clung to it like a life raft. When I got up my husband delivered the cheery news that now they were predicting four to eight inches. Wow.
I know I live in the Midwest. I know it's February. But really? Where's the early spring promised by that famous groundhog? I don't like him anymore. Liar, liar pants on fire. And yes, I'm blogging about the weather. Deal with it. Because I'm gonna have to deal with the snow. Dreaming about retiring in Florida and working at Disney isn't working for me anymore.
Snow is okay for a season. A very short season. It is pretty. It sparkles softly and lays quietly. After a snowfall if you stand outside with a hundred layers on-and I'm not kidding-I'm still surprised at how silent the world is. Then, it can melt the next day. Thank you Jesus.
Thanking Jesus for the melting snow is really only the tip of the iceberg. No pun intended. We really wouldn't appreciate Spring as much if we hadn't gone through winter. With Spring comes the budding of trees and the blooming of flowers. I can't believe that the grass is so incredibly green or the flowers of Spring only last a little while. That makes us appreciate them so much more.
Then, there's Easter. Double wow. Pondering all Christ did for us. Sometimes it's unfathomable. But it's always good. It's always filled with love. True, the Reese's peanut butter eggs rock like no other but that isn't the point. The point is Jesus. Point to the cross, point to Jesus. It's a really cool cycle. So ponder that a little more. I know I will and I will never be able to thank Him enough for His sacrifice. I'm going to mull that over a bit longer while I enjoy my peanut butter eggs. On sale now.

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