Saturday, February 18, 2012

God's Conviction

***Disclaimer Alert! Disclaimer Alert!***  I haven't written in awhile due to sickness.  Sickness of myself, my hubby, and my kids!  Now I feel better.  Onto topic...
     Have you ever felt convicted to do something?  Even better, convicted by God?  I have a few times in my life.  I stepped out in faith and did things I thought no one else would understand.  Funny thing is, support seeped in from sources I never imagined.  But, those are people.  I'm talking God here.
     When God gives us an answer to our prayers, life can get scary.  That, of course, is the enemy messing with us.  We back peddle and question God's plan.  As we are quiet and listen again, we don't just hear a repeat of our answer.  We become convicted.  Because we missed it the first time.
     Conviction is beyond the Gideon complex we feel at times.  Remember Gideon?  Show me, God, then show me again, and how about one more time, Gideon?  Yes, that is me and I have a feeling, that is you too.
     Conviction swipes that away.  I have a friend who was recently convicted to make a very large and life alternating choice.  She had doubts of course, but she surpassed them.  Why?  The God that surpasses all human understanding had convicted her this was His  plan.  Taking that step out in faith proved hurtful.  Yet convicted, she rose above and held onto God's hand through her pain.  She is stronger for it.  I am so proud of her.
     Conviction is so awesome!  And, so is God.
     I also believe conviction is what we all need to pray for.  It lead us, it guides us.  It can even carry us through.  Our doubts can cause us to buckle.  Not conviction.  It gets the job done despite our doubts.  Conviction is God's whispering in our ear, "I've got your back. Now go git 'er done."
     What have you been convicted to do?  Pray over this.  And  be amazed at what God whispers to you.

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